RegalYou (Candine)

RegalYou® is a medium to large size bi-coloured apple with an obloid, round to slightly flattened shape. The skin colour is a lovely, attractive, luminous pink-red blush over pale red-orange background. The skin is smooth and has prominent, but fairly sparse yellow lenticels and there is often a slight russeting of the stem cavity. The red colouration generally covers 80% of the fruit surface.

The texture is quite hard, but generally these are nicely crisp and very juicy apples. The creamy yellow flesh is dense with an attractive, melting crunch on chewing and immediate sweetness flooding the mouth, with, perhaps a hint of pineapple flavour. There is a very small hint of acidity. Brix levels are approximately 15-17o.

RegalYou is a late or very late season variety and ripens about the same time as Fuji. Harvest is in first week of October in the South of France.

Growers are attracted to RegalYou due to its tolerance to scab (Venturia inaequalis), high productivity and grade-outs, and good handling and storage properties.

Good Fruit Guide Rating: *****

RegalYou is a lovely, very sweet, crisp and juicy apple with an attractive pink-red appearance.

Sweet, crisp, dense

Names: RegalYou®; RegalYou.cov; Candine®; 03.29E.43POM-ASF0720; Malus domestica Borkh.; USPP25827.

Origin: RegalYou® is the product of a cross between Rakuraku x Ariane 6407 RT conducted by Arsene and Laurence Maillard of Agro Selections Fruits, Elne, Pyrénées Orientales, France. Rakuraku, a striated mutant of Fuji, was the seed parent and Ariane 6407 RT was the pollination parent. Development of the variety took place in the warm Mediterranean climate of the Roussillon region.

Agro Selections Fruits, Elne, Pyrénées Orientales, France registered the variety in November 2011 in the Official Catalogue of the Agricultural Ministry of the French Republic, under the number 4049385, and applied for the US Plant Patent, which was granted in August 2015.

Initial commercial production of RegalYou® was controlled by Blue Whale in France and Apofruit in Italy. The variety was part of the Regal’In marketing initiative but has since been given the name Candine® for a more concerted global marketing campaign. The first commercial production commenced in 2018. The variety is now controlled by Frutaria, part of the SAMCA Group, Spain.

Grown in: France, Italy, USA

Harvest & Availability: Sales in the UK can be anytime from a few weeks after harvest in late September/early October to early June:

  • January:                       France, Italy
  • February:                    France, Italy
  • March:                          France, Italy
  • April:
  • May:
  • June:
  • July:
  • August:
  • September:
  • October:
  • November:
  • December:                 France, Italy


Patents.GoogleRegalYou® – US Plant Patent

Candine – Marketing website

Speciality Produce USACandine®