Egremont Russet


Egremont Russet is a russet apple that is unique to the UK.  The fruit is a flat round shape (broad globose conical), often slightly lopsided. The appearance can be rather discouraging with its brown/gray blotchy russet which is slightly rough to touch. Underlying the russet is a pale green/yellow background which conveys a golden hue to the colouration of the fruit. Sometimes there is a red blush on the fruit which adds to its attractiveness. The creamy-yellow dryish flesh is crunchy rather than crisp making this quite a dense apple, but not hard to chew. The russeted skin can be mildly off-putting to some people, easily solved by peeling the fruit, but not generally necessary. It is the flavour of Egremont Russet that has maintained the variety’s popularity: nutty with a delicate balance between sweetness and tartness.

Egremont Russet is not a long-storage apple and would normally be finished by Christmas. However, new storage techniques, such as use of SmartFresh, have allowed a significant extending of the season.

Good Fruit Guide Rating: ****

Egremont Russet is a very tasty apple and quite unique in the mix of varieties sold in supermarkets.

Russetted, firm, nutty.

Names: Egremont Russet

Origin: Egremont Russet originated in Sussex, England, but the parentage is unknown. The first record of the variety was in 1872, and it was purportedly developed by the Earl of Egremont.

Grown in: United Kingdom

Harvest & Availability:

  • January: United Kingdom
  • February: United Kingdom
  • March:
  • April:
  • May:
  • June:
  • July:
  • August:
  • September: United Kingdom
  • October: United Kingdom
  • November: United Kingdom
  • December: United Kingdom



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