Candy Snaps (IFG 21)


Candy Snaps is a variety of red seedless grapes. The berries are small to medium in size and are more or less round in shape.  The colour is pink-red with slight speckling, and occasionally a slightly transluscent appearance. The peel is thin and is not particularly noticeable on biting or chewing, and conveys no hint of astringency. Texture is neither crisp nor soft, rather better described as firm.  It is the flavour that is most unusual: intense and immediately familiar, reminiscent of pineapples or melons, a unique combination of Muscat and Labrusca, along with a high level of sweetness (approx. 20oBrix) and very low acids.

Candy Snaps is an early season grape.

Growers are attracted to the variety due to the its earlyharvest, productivity and ability to develop red colouration in hot conditions

Good Fruit Guide Rating: *****

Candy Snaps will find a ready demand from anyone who likes intense flavour and high levels of sweetness.

Intense flavour, sweet, candy.

Names: Candy Snaps®; IFG Twenty-One; IFG 102-053; USPP PP26541

Origin:  IFG Twenty-One is the product of the breeding programme of International Fruit Genetics, California.  The variety is the result of hand pollination and hybridisation of two unnamed interspecific selections from the IFG breeding program in May 2006.  The first true-to-type propagules were planted in April 2009.  The US Plant Patent was granted in June 2014.  Candy Snaps® is the registered marketing name for IFG Twenty One.

Grown in: California, Spain, Brazil, Peru

Harvest & Availability:

  • January: Peru
  • February:
  • March:
  • April:
  • May:
  • June:
  • July:
  • August: Spain
  • September: Spain
  • October:
  • November:  Brazil
  • December: Peru


IFG Candy Snaps

US Plant PatentIFG Twentyone